The history of Fujing Holdings can be traced back to December 2006, when its controlling shareholder, Mr. Zhang Yonggang (“Mr. Zhang”), founded its principal operating subsidiary, Fujing Agriculture. At the beginning, the Group grew vegetables in traditional methods, yet Mr. Zhang found that there were shortcomings in the traditional way of agriculture, particularly on food safety, production standardisation, preservation and brand-building. Hence, leveraging its extensive industry experience and considerable knowledge, Mr. Zhang eventually came up with the idea to grow vegetable produce in individual pots, as a solution to the shortcomings of traditional agriculture. Since the second half of 2012, the Group developed its own potted vegetable produce, which also became the main products of the Group. Since 2016, the Group commenced its large scale production, with an annual production capacity of more than one million pots. As at the Latest Practicable Date...


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